Guy Foster
Owner/Operator of Wild for Windmill Palms
I was born in 1957 in Middleton, Nova Scotia to British parents. I lived there until the age of 5 when our family moved backed to Europe, ultimately settling back in England.
In 1983, after finishing horticultural college, I decided to take a trip to British Columbia. I flew into Vancouver on a sunny summer day. Looking out the window of the plane at the ocean and mountains, I knew I was home. My plan was to visit family friends on the Sunshine Coast in Gibsons, work for a few months, and head back to the UK. I never left.
With a bike and a shovel and a rake, and the energy of a strapping 23-year-old, I started some small gardening jobs. Over time, I got busier, named my business Guyscapes, and bought a truck to handle bigger landscaping jobs.
In 1989, I bought land in Upper Roberts Creek and built a house and a nursery while I continued with landscaping and raising my two sons. I now specialize in commercial landscape maintenance, pruning and of course growing Windmill Palm trees.
Discovering Windmill Palms
In 2008, a client gave me a bunch of palm seeds and encouraged me to try growing them. I sowed them in a soil medium and there was a strong germination rate. I have been tending these palms for the last 10 years or more, many of which are now ready for sale.
Windmill Palm trees give a tropical feel to a landscape, even in the depth of winter. I enjoy the way their fronds shimmer in the slightest of summer breezes, almost like a wave and how they flutter whimsically in the winter winds.
You cannot help but feel your spirit rise when you glimpse a Windmill Palm in your garden.
Wild for Windmill Palms sells to residential owners, wholesalers, landscapers and gardening and landscaping retailers.
Please contact us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.